TV Recycling with ACE
Please Note** ACE Recycling can no longer accept TVs and CRT monitors as of January 1, 2025. Learn about recycling TVs in the Phoenix area and your recycling options.
When disposing of your TV, being responsible and environmentally conscious is important. That’s why ACE Recycling has partnered with COM2 Recycling to ensure that all TVs, working or not, are recycled in an environmentally responsible way. We’re committed to removing CRTs from circulation and ensuring that flat-screen TVs are disposed of responsibly. Our shared goal is to maintain the integrity of our local environment by responsibly recycling TVs, CRTs, and all other electronics. We hope that you’ll do the same!
When you’re ready to get rid of your TV, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- You’ll want to know what type of TV you have.
- You may need to pay a fee to have it disposed of properly.
- It’s important to ask where it will end up.
Recycling TVs, especially CRTs, can be complicated, so it’s best to get them out of your house and to a recycler as soon as possible to make it easier for everyone involved.
ACE Recycling is happy to collect your TV and dispose of it properly. Still, there may be less expensive options available to you. Remember that these options may come with caveats, such as pre-scheduling and proof of residency. If you do decide to drop off your TV at ACE Recycling, please note that the following fees will apply: $25 each for CRT TVs or monitors, $20 each for projection TVs, and $5 each for flat-screen TVs. You can use this tool to identify your TV model. Thanks for doing your part to help protect our environment!
Other TV Recycling Options
Are you a Phoenix or Maricopa County resident? Did you know they collect CRTs for FREE or just $13? Learn more here.
Why Is There a Fee for TV Recycling?
Environmental Impact
Older TVs and monitors that use cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) contain harmful materials like lead and phosphors, requiring careful processing to prevent them from polluting the environment. The cost that goes into the safety of the environment and workers is why there is a fee for adequately disposing of CRTs. This fee is common practice in the industry.
Although flat-screen TVs are less harmful than older models, they still contain substances that can be dangerous. One of these is nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), which is used in their production and is a greenhouse gas. According to a recent study by the Consumer Technology Association, the average American household had 2.5 TVs in 2011, with 30% owning four or more. Additionally, over 60% of replaced televisions in 2012 were still functional. Still, people were tempted to upgrade due to the falling prices and rapid technological progress. As a result, people tend to replace their TVs more often than before. For this reason, ACE Recycling does not repair flat-screen TVs because buying a new one is usually cheaper than fixing it. Therefore, it is best to dispose of the TV instead of adding it to the world’s stock of TVs.
CRTs have remarkable longevity and can withstand the test of time, while smartphones, tablets, and laptops have comparatively shorter lifespans and are more susceptible to damage. Unfortunately, manufacturers are making products less repairable, replaceable, and re-programmable by using proprietary parts that are not easily replaceable or soldering previously replaceable components to mainboards. For example, Apple’s use of proprietary screws exemplifies this trend. This ultimately forces consumers to buy new products more frequently, leading to an increase in resource consumption. Properly recycling TVs is vital to addressing the growing amount of electronic waste.
Did you know that only 33% of computer monitors and 17% of TVs are recycled, according to the EPA? This means hazardous materials like lead, cadmium, and chromium from aging circuitry account for 70% of landfills’ waste. It’s essential to remember that landfills are local, so when you dispose of a TV, it ends up in your nearby landfill, negatively impacting the quality of your water, land, and air.
Learn More
For more detailed information about TV Recycling and the reason for the price changes, check out our blog’s TV Recycling and Disposal article. It helps you identify the type of TV/monitor you have, explains the state of TV recycling in the US, and explains the devastating consequences of improper disposal. As always, we appreciate your partnership in our effort to protect our environment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
TV Recycling in the US
In the US and North America, the process of recycling CRT TVs is limited, complex, and not widely available. Protecting the environment and the workers involved in the process comes at a significant cost. More incentives are needed to encourage participation in CRT recycling. Only two CRT recyclers are in the US, and four total in North America. When ACE sends a load of TVs for recycling, we cover the shipping cost and pay for the recycling based on the weight. ACE and our downstream recycler have to recover the costs of responsible disposal, which unfortunately means that doing the right thing comes at a price. Be cautious of any recycler that does not charge a minimal fee, as they may not be operating responsibly. However, municipalities are an exception as they recover their costs through taxes.